USAID DEC Express Newsletter Features ME&A Evaluation on Workforce Development in El Salvador
For the second time this year, the USAID DEC Express featured a recent ME&A-led evaluation. The December 2021 edition’s “Featured Document” was the April 2021 Final Report for the Workforce Development Study conducted under the ME&A-led USAID/El Salvador Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Initiative (MELI).
The September 2021 edition’s “Featured Document” was the July 2021 Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of Breakthrough Research: Local Lessons, Global Learning conducted under the ME&A-led USAID Global Health Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (GH EvaLS).
The MELI report, written by MELI Chief of Party Randal Joy Thompson, Ph.D., features a statistical analysis of the data collected under the USAID Bridges to Employment (Bridges) Project in El Salvador. MELI conducted the study for the Mission to provide evidence and identify trends to inform future interventions under the newly approved Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for El Salvador and to identify beneficiary professional and academic profiles in the key business sectors of agroindustry, retail trade and tourism, energy, manufacturing, and information technology.
The DEC Express is a monthly newsletter featuring materials in the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) about topics in the news, USAID program evaluations, and recent, popular, and most downloaded documents. To learn more or to subscribe, visit https://dec.usaid.gov/dec/content/decexpress.aspx#Subscribe.
USAID/El Salvador awarded ME&A the MELI task order in 2016 under the Policy, Planning and Learning-Learning, Evaluation and Research (PPL-LER) IDIQ Contract to provide evaluation, monitoring, and assessment services for USAID Missions and Offices worldwide.