Contract Mechanisms

ME&A is a prime contractor on this USAID IDIQ to assist missions and other operating units in implementing the U.S. Government’s Global Water Strategy and USAID Water and Development Plan. Contact: Dr. Loren Schulze
ME&A is a prime contractor to USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia on the PCMEL IDIQ to provide monitoring, evaluation, and learning services in the Asia region. Contact: Reuben Hermoso

ME&A is a prime contractor on this USAID/Kenya and East Africa IDIQ to design and implement quantitative and/or qualitative evaluations studies, assessments, and analyses; facilitate knowledge management; and develop and deliver training. Contact: Chris Coffman
ME&A is a prime contractor to USAID on the EVAL ME II IDIQ to provide evaluation, monitoring and assessment services for USAID missions and offices worldwide. Contact: Reuben Hermoso

ME&A is a prime contractor to USAID on the five-year Analytical Services IV (ASIV) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for analytical services related to democracy, human rights, and governance. Contact: Chris Coffman
ME&A is a subcontractor to Creative Associates on the CARSS IDIQ supporting USAID’s region-based and joint initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Contact: Chris Coffman

ME&A is a partner on Connexus Corporation’s team for USAID’s CCSDP IDIQ, a multi-award, $250 million initiative. Contact: Dana Hudock.
ME&A is a subcontractor on both an unrestricted and small business set-aside A&E Services III IDIQ award.

ME&A is a subcontractor to Tetra Tech ARD under STARR II, a $650 million, multi-faceted field support mechanism. Contact: Carlos Beale Caballero
Additional Contract Mechanisms
ME&A is prime contractor to the U.S. Department of State on two Performance Management, Evaluation, and Learning Services IDIQs.

ME&A holds a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) OASIS+ Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) IDIQ.
ME&A holds a GSA Federal Supply Schedule 874 PSS MOBIS contract to provide a full range of professional business services and related support products.

ME&A holds a BPA with the MCC to provide program support to the U.S. foreign aid agency to assist MCC in the fight against global poverty.