USGS Conducts Groundwater Training in Armenia
On March 2, the USGS (US Geological Survey), with facilitation of the ASPIRED (Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development) Project, completed training on building groundwater management capacity for Armenia’s Ararat Valley for the representatives of the Ministry of Nature Protection. The training program was made possible through a partnership between USAID’s ASPIRED Project, ICARE (International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education) via its USAID’s PEER (Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research) grant, and the USGS.
The goal of the training was to improve participants’ understanding of the groundwater modeling and field protocols regarding well inventory and collection of data. The training focused on the importance of the well inventory, including modern well inventory techniques, measurement and data collection processes and equipment needs. This interactive course consisted of both classroom training and fieldwork on making well measurements and observations in the Ararat Valley.
USAID/Armenia awarded ME&A (Mendez England & Associates) the contract for the ASPIRED Project in October 2015 under the Water and Development (WADI) IDIQ.