HICD 2020 Fosters Intellectual Property Protection in Georgia
On March 3, HICD 2020 Project launched a new institutional performance assessment activity at Sakpatenti, the key public institution responsible to protect intellectual property in Georgia. The objective of the assessment is to assist the organization in articulating its organizational goals and objectives, and to compare current performance levels to optimal performance levels, designing performance solutions to close any identified performance gaps.
This assessment is part of a wider HICD model that aims to strengthen partner institution’s capabilities to more effectively and efficiently perform for their constituents and beneficiaries, and to increase the effectiveness of the ongoing technical assistance provided by USAID and other international donors.
Founded in 1992 under the Prime Minister’s Office, Sakpatenti’s primary function is to safeguard intellectual property through devising and enforcing intellectual property-related policies.
The activity will be carried out by consultants from GEC Developments Corporation, with methodological guidance of Klaus Wittkuhn, a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) expert. The assessment will cover a period of two and a half months, and will recommend performance improvement measures.
ME&A implements the HICD 2020 Project under USAID’s Human and Institutional Development (HICDpro) IDIQ contract, which was awarded to ME&A in November 2013.