ME&A Evaluates Program Promoting Integration and Tolerance of Minorities in Georgia
ME&A recently performed a midterm evaluation of the USAID-funded Promoting Integration, Tolerance, and Awareness (PITA) program in Georgia. PITA is aimed at integrating ethnic minorities and raising awareness and tolerance of ethnic and religious minorities in the country.
Designed to increase the level of civic engagement and integration between youth of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, PITA connects youth with civil society organizations, minority communities, government, media, and other Georgian stakeholders to shape an integrated civil society rejecting discrimination and embracing diversity.
This midterm evaluation examined the progress of PITA’s activities to date, evaluated progress toward expected life-of-project results, and identified changes that may be needed to ensure achievement of those results.
USAID/Georgia awarded ME&A this task order under the USAID/Georgia Evaluation Mechanism Indefinite Quantity Contract to provide evaluation, monitoring, and assessment services for the Mission.