ME&A Launches New WADI IDIQ Website
ME&A is pleased to announce the launch of its new “Water and Development IDIQ’ (WADI) website www.wadi-mea.com on World Water Day. The new site will feature ME&A’s services and expertise in water resources available under the new USAID WADI IDIQ.
Under WADI, ME&A will provide USAID’s E3 Bureau with services and technical support to assist Agency Missions, Bureaus and Offices worldwide in the implementation of USAID’s new Water and Development Strategy.
The new website will link ME&A and its partners to USAID initiatives and will highlight ME&A’s water-related activities and capabilities worldwide. The new website will contain success stories as well as information on how to access ME&As services under the WADI contract.Among the services ME&A and its partners will offer, include water programming to improve health through the delivery of sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), as well as water resource management in agriculture for enhanced food security.
Since 2005, ME&A has been providing innovative solutions to integrated Water and Natural Resources Management incorporating the latest technology in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and computer modeling to help its clients improve access to water resources, address climate change, develop clean energy, and help communities in the developing world to achieve food security and better hygiene standards.