ME&A Water Team Prepares for World Water Day
Happy World Water Day! The theme of World Water Day on March 22 this year is water and energy, and ME&A, through the Water Sector Communication and Knowledge Management (WS/CKM) project, is pleased to support USAID and its Water Office in their outreach programs on this special occasion.
To this end, ME&A developed a special water and energy-themed issue of Global Waters, the quarterly magazine it produces for USAID’s Water Office. The issue include dispatches from the field about USAID’s most cutting-edge energy projects, from solar-powered irrigation systems being tested in Senegal, to multi-purpose dams providing electricity and irrigation and drinking water in Pakistan, to a museum exhibit that teaches children about water and energy conservation in Jordan.
ME&A is also helping USAID with its World Water Day social media blitz, including a Twitter campaign that will present eye-opening statistics about water and energy and bring attention to USAID’s water and energy projects around the world.
Water and energy are closely interlinked and interdependent. Energy generation and transmission requires utilization of water resources, particularly for hydroelectric, nuclear, and thermal energy sources. Conversely, about 8% of the global energy generation is used for pumping, treating and transporting water to various consumers. For more information on World Water Day go to www.unwater.org/worldwaterday
The WS/CKM project was awarded to ME&A under USAID’s Integrated Water and Coastal Resources Management Indefinite Quantity Contract (WATER II IQC).