USAID DEC Express Newsletter Features GH EvaLS Evaluation on Social and Behavior Change
The USAID DEC Express’s September edition featured a recent ME&A-led evaluation of USAID’s flagship social and behavior change (SBC) programs.
The edition’s “Featured Document” was the July 2021 Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of Breakthrough Research: Local Lessons, Global Learning conducted under the ME&A-led USAID Global Health Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (GH EvaLS).
The report highlights SBC innovations in improving maternal newborn and child health; advancing postpartum hemorrhage care; improving family planning and reproductive health; preventing malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, HIV, and other diseases; and more. It is focused on the GH EvaLS evaluation of two separate but linked flagship SBC mechanisms: Breakthrough RESEARCH (BR) and Breakthrough ACTION (BA). Their shared strategic objective is increased integration of proven SBC interventions in health and development programs, particularly health service delivery platforms.
The DEC Express is a monthly newsletter featuring materials in the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) about topics in the news, USAID program evaluations, and recent, popular, and most downloaded documents. To learn more or to subscribe, visit https://dec.usaid.gov/dec/content/decexpress.aspx#Subscribe.
GH EvaLS provides evaluation, assessment, and learning support for health-related projects and activities at USAID/Washington and USAID Missions. Projects within the USAID Bureau for Global Health’s portfolio support the U.S. Government’s goals to improve global health through preventing child and maternal deaths; controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and combating infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. USAID awarded ME&A the GH EvaLS contract in May 2020.